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Beamgo Token
The middle of the Beamgo Card is an NFT. The Beamgo Token (this NFT) is the middle of the Beamgo Card in every round. Every round the Beamgo Token holders are guaranteed to receive the unique NFT from the author from that round. That unique NFT will not be distributed in the free beams, nor it will be available for sale after the round.
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Beamgo Brings Bingo to 1.0 Billion Telegram Users

Fueled by Enjin Blockchain’s tech, Phil Park is tapping into Telegram’s 1.0 billion user base. This esteemed Enjineer has adapted the classic game of Bingo for the digital realm, specifically for Telegram.

Having successfully concluded its first round, Beamgo is now gearing up for the next phase of play.

Beams from Round 1 of Beamgo
Prepare for the next round of Beamgo
Join hundreds of players in this new and exciting digital Bingo format.
Enter Beamgo

Integrating Enjin Blockchain with Telegram

Telegram ranks as the eighth largest social media platform, praised for its robust privacy, security features, and multi-functionality. It has become a preferred platform within the Enjin creator-led ecosystems, including Enjin Iggy’s marketplace bot and ENJ Beam Club.

Beamgo harnesses Enjin Blockchain technology for token minting and employs Enjin Wallet and Beams for storing and sending tokens. The game's user interface is driven by a Telegram Bot, with the backend powered by NODE.JS.

Players engage in a digital treasure hunt, searching for the necessary Beams to complete their Bingo cards.

Beamgo line check with Beamgo Bot

The Beamgo bot synchronizes with the player’s registered Enjin Wallet to verify claimed Beams. It identifies each digital asset’s token ID, allowing the Telegram bot to track which Bingo tiles the player has marked off.

New Game Mechanics

Phil Park has added exciting new elements to spice-up the game:

  • Featured Artist: Each game round features a different artist who designs the Bingo cards, enabling Enjin ecosystem artists to showcase their work to a larger audience through Beamgo.
  • Beamgo Token: Central to the Bingo card is the Beamgo Token, a special NFT necessary for winning with a full 25-tile card. Players interested in this advantage can acquire Beamgo Tokens on NFT.io.
  • Tickets: At the start of each round, players can purchase Beamgo Tickets from NFT.io, which generate random numbers that may help complete their Bingo tiles.

How to Play Beamgo

To participate in Beamgo, players need only Telegram and the Enjin Wallet app. Players aim to complete a Beamgo line—diagonal, vertical, or horizontal—or collect all 25 tiles.

Beamgo tile from Round 1

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Install Enjin Wallet and Telegram: Ensure both applications are installed on your mobile device and/or desktop.
  2. Create a Matrixchain Address: If you’re new to the Enjin Ecosystem, easily set up an address using the Enjin Wallet app. If you’ve been in the Enjin community for a while, you can use your existing Enjin Matrixchain address.
  3. Scan for Beams: During an active round, look out for Enjin Beams posted on Telegram or X. Claim these using your Enjin Wallet.
  4. Verify Your Win: Chat with the Beamgo bot to confirm if you’ve completed a Beamgo line. A game administrator will then validate the win.
  5. Receive Your Prize: Winners are awarded prizes, which could be cryptocurrency or NFTs.

Looking Forward to Round Two

Since its announcement in September 2023, the project has seen significant engagement. The first phase in May 2024 concluded successfully with winners claiming cryptocurrency prizes.

For Round Two, Phil Park is collaborating with community artist ScottieTash to design the Beams. This partnership promises not only a fun game but also greater exposure for the featured artist’s creations.

This unique approach positions Beamgo as not just a game. It connects the world of traditional Bingo with blockchain technology and digital art, offering an engaging and enriching experience to users globally.

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